Fast Facts

  • The Facts On Spider Bites

    Most spiders don't bite humans and only do so if they're provoked. When spiders bite, the vast majority of bites only cause a mild reaction in people, such as minor swelling, inflammation, or itching. However, there are a few poisonous spiders in North America that can be dangerous. They are mostly found in the southern regions of the United States, but black widow spiders can also be found in southern regions of Canada. The venom that these spiders use to kill their prey is also...


    19 September 2017
  • Facts And Information About Africa's Most Venomous Snakes

    Africa has some of the most dangerous and venomous snakes in the world. Get your facts and information about the Black Mamba, Boomslang, Puff Adder, Gaboon Viper, Egyptian Cobra and more of Africa's deadly snakes. Find out what the different types of snake venom will do to the victims body. Remember, fatalities from snake bites are quite rare and the vast majority of snakes are actually not venomous. Venomous snakes will often avoid humans, and if they bite they rarely inject their full...


    04 June 2017
  • Polyvalent Antivenom Specific For :

    Black mamba, Green mamba, Jameson's mamba, cape cobra, Snouted cobra, (Egyptian cobra), Forest cobra, Gaboon adder, Mozambique spitting cobra, Puff adder, and Rinkhals.


    04 June 2017